Return Service
Teen Hustl offers In-Neighborhood Self-Serve Drop-off or At-Home Pickup of your Amazon Return
Broomfield, CO (McKay Landing and surrounding neighborhoods).
Jack Bonneau founded Teen Hustl 3 years ago to continue the mission he started almost ten years ago with Jack's Stands & Marketplaces to provide our nation's youth experiential learning opportunities in entrepreneurship, business, and financial literacy and develop social and life skills while having fun. Jack is the founder and chief evangelist of Teen Hustl, where he's assembled a great team of co-founders, advisors, and Teen Hustlrs to continue the mission he started. Jack will continue to be involved in Teen Hustl as he begins college at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire this academic year.
Teen Hustl's mission is to bring back the opportunities that teens had decades ago through neighborhood newspaper delivery (paper routes), but these opportunities for teens disappeared with the advent of the Internet. Paper routes were the first business/job that millions of youths had where they learned about responsibility, business, and time management and developed social and life skills that helped youth transition to adulthood that provided lifelong benefits to them. Teen Hustl's mission is to bring back these opportunities for teens but updated for today's Gig Economy.
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